By Ma. Teresa Montemayor

MANILA – The Philippine embassy has showcased Filipino fabrics and food products at a trade promotions fair in Beijing, China.
In a news release on Monday, Philippine Ambassador to China Jaime FlorCruz said fabrics like piña, inabel, T’nalak and ikat were featured in the Philippine booth at the Southeast Asia New Year Market.
“We hope our intricate and colorful weaves will excite the sights of our Chinese friends. Through this, we hope to offer them a chance to experience the Philippines,” he said.
Piña is a fabric woven from the fine fibers of a pineapple plant leaf.
Inabel is a weaving tradition of the Ilocano people, while T’nalak and Ikat are the Tboli people’s weaving traditions.
FlorCruz said the embassy also showcased Filipino products such as fruits from Dole, and snacks from Oishi and W.L. Foods, among others.
The Department of Tourism, the Office of Philippine Agriculture Counsellor, and the Office of the Philippine Trade and Investment Counsellor in Beijing, helped the embassy with the exhibit.
Fair organizer Tao Lei said the New Year Market focused on ASEAN countries and their rich culture. (PNA)